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Research & Learning How to Design Effective Support to School Leadership: Lessons from Existing Research

Teacher in front of black board

This evidence brief sets out to answer critical questions on teacher training and professional development in LMICs.

What are the necessary design considerations for school leadership training to improve student learning outcomes?  Despite the positive impact that capable, qualified teachers have on learning outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), many teachers lack the training and support necessary to develop their capacity. Through its holistic three- year EduQuality program, Opportunity EduFinance delivers school leader and teacher professional development and peer coaching to approximately 1,900 schools annually.1 Over the years, EduQuality has made continuous efforts to ground its program in best practices and lessons learned from other contexts.

This evidence brief sets out to answer these critical questions on teacher training and professional development in LMICs:

  • What can we learn from existing research on successful teacher training programs?
  • What makes these programs effective, and how can these lessons be applied in practice to ensure EduQuality continues to improve learning outcomes for disadvantaged students? 

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