Andrew McCusker speaks at AFSIC: Investing in Africa 2021
On the 11th October 2021 Andrew McCusker, Head of EduFinance joined a panel as part of AFSIC 2021, a hybrid conference in Westminster, London.
AFSIC is believed to be the largest annual event bringing together African investors and investments taking place outside Africa and has become one of the most important conduits of investment into Africa. With the support of the sophisticated AFSIC African Investments Dashboard, AFSIC is entirely focused on bringing together Africa’s business leaders and Africa’s most important investors and dealmakers and will showcase investment opportunities from across the whole of Africa.
Andrew took part in the Education Panel and spoke on 'Educating Investors: Investment Returns in Africa's Education Sector'. He joined panelists from Dalberg, Blue Orchard, Nexford University, Materia Holdings and Optimizer Foundation.