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Access to Professional Development for Low-Cost Private Schools: What are the opportunities and barriers for education service providers given the changing ecosystem of Education in India? Event 2

By Opportunity International EduFinance

Event 2: Access to Professional Development for Low-Cost Private Schools: What are the opportunities and barriers for education service providers given the changing ecosystem of Education in India?

On October 12th 2021 we held the second in our series of webinars. India has the largest number of LCPS in the world. Today, these LCPS are accessing multiple solutions in the market to improve learner outcomes and quality of teaching in their school. In this episode, our panelists discussed the school leader and teacher professional development needs of LCPS in India, what makes professional development programmes impactful and how we can overcome gaps caused by the changing education eco-system to help schools increase school quality. This session brought together discussants representing Mantra4Change, Global School Leaders , AVPN and Opportunity International EduFinance.

Webinar Series: What's next for Low-Cost Private Schools in India?

Opportunity EduFinance is leading a series of virtual discussions with thought leaders from India’s education sector to discuss the changing ecosystem for low-cost private schools. The series builds on our recent market research report with KPMG on the changing needs of LCPSs in India. The series will include speakers and perspectives from LCPS, education service providers, financial institutions, donors, and technology providers who are rapidly adapting to the changing dynamics of the Indian education ecosystem.

Read about future events in this series and register.



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