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© 2024 Opportunity International Education Finance functions under its US and UK affiliates. Opportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692). Opportunity International United Statesis a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

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RewirEd Summit 2021 – Financing Everybody’s Business

by Catherine O’Shea

In December 2021, Opportunity EduFinance hosted a panel as part of the RewirEd Summit 2021 titled \"Financing Everybody's Business\" to align with one of the Summit's core messages that 'education is everybody's business.' RewirEd is a global platform with a clear vision: to rewire education for a prosperous and sustainable future. Led by Dubai Cares, in partnership with Expo 2020 Dubai, the RewirEd Summit presented an opportunity for the global education community to come together to scale and jumpstart…

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Classroom Observation Tool: Capturing changes in teacher practice and learner engagement

by Catherine O’Shea

In advance of rolling out our new EduQuality blended learning model in 2021 – which includes new teacher mentor training modules – we understood that we needed the right tool to measure the changes in teaching practices we expected to see over time. We wanted to document how teachers are currently engaging learners in the classroom and then measure changes in instruction over time as teachers adapted more best practice. Therefore, the Monitoring and Evaluation team developed and launched a Classroom…

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by Hadiqua Lateefi and Catherine O’Shea

Opportunity EduFinance has been leading a series of virtual discussions with thought leaders from India’s education sector to examine the changing ecosystem for low-cost private schools (LCPS). The webinars build on our recent market research report with KPMG on the changing needs of LCPSs in India. Across the first three sessions, the series has included perspectives from LCPS, education service providers, financial institutions, donors, and technology providers who are rapidly adapting to the…

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“I feel like it's actually moving the teaching profession to a different level” – Teacher Mentor Professional Development

by Catherine O’Shea

While there are dozens of studies with a range of conclusions around interventions driving learning outcomes in low-income countries, one of the most consistent recommendations is that “repeated teacher training interventions often associated with a specific task or tool” is a key driver of improved student learning.[1] In May 2021, Opportunity EduFinance rolled out a new Teacher Mentor Professional Development (TMPD) within our three-year holistic EduQuality program. To date, TMPD has launched…

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More EduQuality partner schools are demonstrating an increase in effective school management practices

by Karri DeSelm and Catherine O’Shea

Opportunity EduFinance’s mission is to get more children into better schools. While school quality may often be only viewed through the narrow lens of what happens directly in the classroom, there is a wide range of areas to consider around education quality. For affordable non-state schools across low- and middle-income countries, one key area of quality is school management practices. Many affordable school owners have training and experience in education, which leads them to see an opportunity…

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5 RULES OF THE ROAD(SHOW): Learnings from our EduFinance Experts

by Catherine O’Shea

Opportunity EduFinance’s first ‘stop’ on our mission to improving children’s access to quality education is through a ‘roadshow.’ This is the first step in financial institution partner engagement, when EduFinance offers technical assistance services to help the institution launch and grow a quality EduFinance portfolio invested in the local education sector. First, when launching in a new country, our EduFinance Technical Assistance team conducts desktop research on the financial institutions…

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What are the opportunities & barriers for education service providers given the changing ecosystem of education in India?

by Hadiqua Lateefi and Catherine O’Shea

India has the largest number of Low-Cost Private Schools (LCPS) in the world. Today, these LCPS are accessing multiple solutions in the market to improve learner outcomes and quality of teaching in their schools. On October 12, we brought together four panelists to discuss professional development needs of LCPS in India, what makes professional development programmes impactful, and how we can overcome gaps caused by the changing education eco-system to help schools increase school quality. …

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Educating Educators: An interview with our EduQuality Program Leaders

by Catherine O'Shea

  As our EduQuality program continues to grow, we wanted to hear from our leaders about their own backgrounds and perspectives on education, as well as where they see the current challenges and opportunities. We spoke to Innocent, Violet, Samuel and Renée for their reflections on education. Why did you want to work in education? And why did you then want to work educating other educators?  VIOLET: I was a teacher in a classroom. Most of the children that used to come could not read. We were working…

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Looking back to Move Forward: Reflecting on our Global Education Summit Side Event

by Catherine O'Shea

EDUFINANCE SIDE EVENT: Exploring alternative sources of finance to fund the global education deficit   In July 2021, Opportunity EduFinance hosted a side event to the GPE Global Education Summit. An expert panel discussed a range of options for alternative sources of finance to fund education in low- and middle-income countries. The event was a call to action for collaboration and experimentation to solve the global education deficit. Nearly a month and a half after the event, we wanted to reflect…

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"We have only scratched the surface of potential" - Letshego Ghana & EduFinance

by Catherine O'Shea

Arnold Parker has been CEO of Letshego Bank in Ghana for the past seven years. We spoke to him about his experiences with education finance, what he hopes for children in Ghana, and why Letshego is focused on investing in education. What is different about Letshego from the other places you’ve worked? Now that I am the CEO, I get to make big decisions. The major difference has been working in an environment that allows me to innovate and make decisions that actually have an impact on the lives…

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