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“Estoy ansiosa por ver los avances increíbles que lograrán. ¡El impacto será enorme!” Lanzamiento de EduQuality en República Dominicana y Guatemala.

by Opportunity EduFinance

  Pie de foto: Jael Mendez “El equipo de especialistas en educación hizo un gran trabajo para enseñarnos todo lo que necesitamos saber para convertir nuestros colegios en lugares de calidad”. Jael Mendez, colegio Enriquillo de Herrera, clúster de innovadores que alcanzan objetivos, República Dominicana. A lo largo de los últimos meses, se lanzó el programa EduQuality de Opportunity EduFinance en dos nuevos países: República Dominicana y Guatemala. Un equipo de especialistas en educación…

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‘I can't wait to see all the amazing things they'll achieve. The impact is going to be tremendous!’ EduQuality launches in the Dominican Republic and Guatemala

by Opportunity EduFinance

  Caption: Jael Mendez The team of Education Specialists make a great effort to teach us everything we need to make our schools places full of quality.\" - Jael Mendez, Enriquillo de Herrera School, Innovators Achieving Goals Cluster, Dominican Republic Over the last few months, EduQuality - a program of Opportunity EduFinance - has launched in two new countries, the Dominican Republic and Guatemala. A team of Education Specialists led Introductory Seminars for low-fee non-state school leaders…

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UNESCO International Literacy Day – CATALYZE EduFinance DRC phonics training builds a strong foundation

by CATALYZE EduFinance DRC

  Caption: An Education Specialist visit The low-cost private sector has undergone rapid expansion in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)  due to factors such as population growth, increased enrollment, and parental aspirations for quality education. Opportunity International estimates that registered private schools in the country represent about 21% of the market, with much higher rates in Kinshasa, where two out of three schools are private. The USAID CATALYZE EduFinance DRC program—…

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Staff Spotlight: Lucy Kabalisa

by Opportunity International

With over two decades of banking experience, Lucy Kabalisa understands the power of finance. As EduFinance's Technical Assistance Advisor, Zambia, she brings that expertise directly to low-cost private schools – using data analysis, performance monitoring, and reporting to help school leaders access the resources needed to serve even more children. But Lucy believes the essence of this work goes beyond just numbers and balance sheets — it's about transforming lives and unlocking potential. To…

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New research reveals US$4.4 billion market demand for education finance in India

by Surabhi Narendranath

Opportunity EduFinance recently completed its largest market research study to date in India, with 360 affordable non-state schools and 754 parents being interviewed across five states over February-May 2023. The study aimed to provide a deeper understanding of both the willingness and ability to borrow amongst schools and parents.  The results will be used to build a business case for financing affordable education in India; and support local financial institutions to develop and grow sustainable…

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“We want to create a sense of belonging and involvement.” Education Specialists from Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda reflect on School Leadership Professional Development

by Catherine O’Shea and Surabhi Kumar

Affordable non-state schools are set up by entrepreneurs from a variety of backgrounds. These include former teachers as well as business professionals. As with many business owners they often discover they lack key skills which would be beneficial for operating their schools. As part of the EduQuality Program, a global team of Education Specialists in 12 countries deliver School Leadership Professional Development (SLPD). This offers senior school leaders the chance to take part in interactive sessions…

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DRC School Leaders are improving school culture & inclusion to empower learners - Two success stories

by CATALYZE EduFinance DRC

The USAID CATALYZE EduFinance DRC program increases access to and quality of education for children in rural and urban areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The program partners with low-fee non-state school owners who are already working tirelessly to educate children in their community by supporting them with linkages to capital to invest in their schools, and delivering professional development training to run a quality, sustainable school. Through CATALYZE EduFinance DRC, school…

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‘They have not heard about anything like the EduQuality program.’ John Pulido shares Insights from the GEF&WISE conference in Medellín, Colombia.

by Maham Khuhro and Catherine O’Shea

In May, John Pulido, Head Education Specialist, Latin America and the Caribbean, presented at the Global Education Forum & Wisdom and Innovation Summit for Education (GEF&WISE). His presentation on the Opportunity EduFinance model was strongly aligned with the conference’s focus on groundbreaking initiatives driving educational excellence and empowering under-resourced communities. GEF&WISE, held in Medellín, Colombia, centered around the theme of addressing global challenges in climate, health,…

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“A platform to learn from the experience of others.” Hear about the educational journey of one ‘edupreneur’ in Zambia

by CATALYZE EduFinance Zambia

Caption: Ms. Lillian in a pre-primary classroom at Twalumbu Education Centre After 20 years, school owner Ms. Lillian Mubiana Kapambwe is still actively improving the quality & sustainability of Twalumbu Education Centre, with the support of USAID CATALYZE EduFinance Zambia program. She exemplifies an ‘edupreneur.’ After retiring as an educationist, she used her pension benefits to start her own primary school in the dam area of Chongwe, Zambia. Twalumbu Education Centre (TEC) started in a simple…

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by Catherine O’Shea

    'This is Flora Joseph Mahundi from Morelight Pre and Primary School. She is the Tanzania Teacher Mentor of the Month for April 2023 Flora Joseph Mahundi is nominated to be a Teacher Mentor of the Month because: She attended all our teacher mentors’ trainings and if she has missed one session from her cluster, she is ready to jump to another cluster to catch up. She completed all the quizzes from each session and ensured that all quizzes were submitted successfully. After the sessions, she…

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