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Oliver KapayaHead Education Specialist (Tanzania)

Oliver Kapaya is a Head Education Specialist with the EduQuality program, based in Tanzania.

With over 20 years of experience, Oliver has worked on various internationally and nationally donor-funded projects and programs.

Before joining the Education Finance team, Oliver served as a Regional Program Coordinator, overseeing the implementation of the Cambridge Education Shule Bora Program, funded by UKAID. The program aimed to improve the quality, safety, and inclusion of all children across nine regions in Tanzania.

Previously, she worked with the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) under the USAID Tusome Pamoja Program as the Technical Lead for Community Engagement. In this role, she engaged parents and communities to enhance learning outcomes and founded the Parents Teachers Partnerships (PTP) in Tanzania.

Oliver also contributed to ActionAid International’s TEGINT program (Transforming Education for Girls in Northern Nigeria and Tanzania) as a National Program Coordinator. She worked across primary schools in Arusha, Manyara, and Kilimanjaro to improve girls' access to and quality of education.

Oliver holds a Master’s degree in Education Planning and Management and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Dar es Salaam.

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