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Makembo Mfumu AnsiEducation Specialist (DRC)

Makembo Mfumu Ansi is an Education Specialist based in DRC.

Prior to working for Opportunity EduFinance Makembo was a teacher trainer with the Pedagogical Cooperation for Africa CPA and the Union of Swiss Romand teachers SER in Kinshasa and in several provinces. He was a consultant in the development of training tools (ADIJ and PAQUED/EDC/USAID as well as OPQ/IRC and a teacher for  in primary and secondary school (psychopedagogy).

Makembo holds a bachelor's degree in Educational and Professional Orientation in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the National Pedagogical University UPN. I received training on "mastering the main psycho-pedagogical axes of children and adolescents for their better care by the school" organized by the Cabinet of Applied Psychology in Kinshasa.

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