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Kizito Bahati MahesheSenior Education Specialist (DRC)

Kizito Bahati Maheshe is a Senior Education Specialist with the EduQuality program, based in the DRC.

Kizito has 13 years experience as an educator. Prior to joining the EduQuality program with Opportunity International,  he served as teacher of English in secondary schools, first at the Institut de Gishoma in Rwanda, and then at the Institute Saint François Xavier in Bukavu, and then at Complexe Scolaire Etoile where he taught English at both primary and secondary schools.
He was a trainer of English clubs' leaders in the DRC in the English Connects Programme from the British Council. He is an advisor leader of CLASS (Congolese Language Supporters' Society) in Sud Kivu. He holds a degree in Applied Pedagogy and English, from ISP/Bukavu teacher training college. He has certificates in Professional Development for Teachers (Teaching critical thinking and problem solving) and in Climate Action for Language Education (Introducing environmental issues into language teaching classes and developing and delivering lessons with a sustainability focus).


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