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Adrien AngaliaSenior Education Specialist (DRC)

Adrien Angalia is a Senior Education Specialist with the EduQuality program at Opportunity EduFinance, based in the DRC.

Prior to joining the EduQuality team, Adrien worked as a Senior Education Advisor for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in the DRC for 2 years. He also served as a Global Education Advisor for Education in Emergencies across Central Africa, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the DRC. Andre has also held positions as a Country Education Advisor for War Child Holland and War Child UK, and as a formal and non-formal Education Manager for IRC in the DRC managing projects such as Girls' Education Challenges (DFID) and OPEQ (USAID). Adrien also served as a Provincial Team Leader/Provincial Coordinator for ACCELERE 2, focusing on governance and accountability for education.

Adrien holds a Master's degree in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid from KALU Center Madrid, a Bachelor's degree in Education with a focus on Applied Pedagogy from ISP BIKAVU, and a Diploma in Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Projects.


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