Access to Education Finance for Low-Cost Private Schools - What are the opportunities and barriers for education finance in India?
Event 1: ‘Access to Education Finance for Low-Cost Private Schools - What are the opportunities and barriers for education finance in India?’
On 16th September 2021 the first webinar in this series took place. Watch the full recording above. India has the largest number of low-cost private schools (LCPS) in the world. Today, these LCPS are accessing finance through formal and informal sources to meet their infrastructure, working capital, and other needs. Our panelists discussed the financing needs of LCPSs, how institutions are meeting these needs, and how we can further bridge the gap to ensure sustainability and improved school quality. This session brought together four key discussants representing Kaizenvest, Central Square Foundation, Indian School Finance Company, and Opportunity EduFinance.
Webinar Series: What's next for Low-Cost Private Schools in India?
Opportunity EduFinance is leading a series of virtual discussions with thought leaders from India’s education sector to discuss the changing ecosystem for low-cost private schools. The series builds on our recent market research report with KPMG on the changing needs of LCPSs in India. The series will include speakers and perspectives from LCPS, education service providers, financial institutions, donors, and technology providers who are rapidly adapting to the changing dynamics of the Indian education ecosystem.
Read about future events in this series and register.