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Fin Dev Gateway Article: Locked out of Learning

By Opportunity International EduFinance

'At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, 1.6 billion children were out of school. In some countries like Uganda, schools just reopened last week—students missed nearly two years of schooling. Already suffering from countless educational and economic hurdles, these children are unlikely to recover these lost years.

Education is one of the best tools we have to break the cycle of poverty, but millions of children are at risk of never returning to the classroom. The challenge we face as a global community is figuring out how to get these children back in the classroom as soon as possible—and improving the quality of education for those that have already gone back to school. Despite the new hurdles that stand in our way, we must continue to pursue SDG4: Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong opportunities for all.'

Read more from Atul Tandon (CEO, Opportunity International) and Andrew McCusker (Head of Edufinance) as they discuss how private sector investment can support the Covid-19 Education crisis on the Fin Dev Gateway.

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