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Impact Story: Kunduchi Town Day Care*, Tanzania

In 2013, Kunduchi Town Day Care* was founded as a pre-primary school in Kunduchi, Tanzania. Jacqueline J. Lema, the dedicated school leader, established this educational institution out of her deep passion for educating children. Initially, the school began with just one teacher and six students. Fast forward to today – the school has expanded to encompass three branches, boasting a teaching staff of nine members and a total enrollment of 116 students.


The school's remarkable growth can be attributed to a combination of school improvement training, effective marketing strategies, and sound business management practices. Additionally, Kunduchi Town Day Care* secured a loan of 80 million TZS (equivalent to $32,035 USD) from Maendeleo Bank. These funds were utilized for refurbishing the school building, opening a new branch, and procuring essential teaching and learning materials.

Kunduchi Town Day Care* became acquainted with Opportunity International EduFinance through Opportunity Bank and subsequently joined the Kunduchi Cluster to participate in the EduQuality program. The EduQuality program is a comprehensive three-year initiative offering a diverse range of training and collaboration opportunities. As part of the program, Ms. Jacqueline had the chance to attend 'cluster meetings,' which are regular gatherings where school leaders within a community come together to establish a network for mutual support and knowledge sharing. Reflecting on her experience with fellow cluster members, Ms. Jacqueline remarked, 

It has been really good. We have grown the network of school leaders and learn from each other as well as advising each other.” - Ms. Jacqueline J. Lema

Within the framework of the EduQuality program, School Leadership Professional Development (SLPD) training was made available to enhance the management skills of school leaders. Ms. Jacqueline, the school leader, participated in SLPD training and found the sessions on Marketing and Branding, Financial Management, and the importance of a Child Protection Policy particularly valuable. These sessions empowered Ms. Jacqueline to formulate and execute a well-structured school improvement plan. This plan prioritizes child protection, the creation of a clean and safe learning environment, and increased parental and community engagement.

Additionally, EduQuality offers Teacher Mentor Professional Development (TMPD) training to local non-state affordable schoolteachers, aimed at elevating their teaching quality and effectiveness as educators. Teacher-mentors were appointed to establish a training-of-trainers model, where they share their knowledge with their peers through classroom observations and feedback. The teachers at Kunduchi Town Day Care* actively engage in TMPD sessions, leading to improvements in their teaching methods and, subsequently, increased student participation and engagement within the classroom.

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