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Violet Akinyi OketchEduQuality, Head Education Specialist (Africa)

Violet Akinyi Oketch is the Head Education Specialist for EduQuality in Africa.

Violet has worked in the Education sector in Kenya for a period of 8 years. She has vast experience in teacher mentoring and coaching, parental education, developing educational and training materials and creating partnership. Prior to joining Opportunity International, Violet worked as Program Manager in a school readiness ECDE program (Tayari) in Kenya. She has also worked with Education Development Trust as a Training Facilitator in an early grade literacy and numeracy program dubbed Primary Math and Reading Program (PRIMR) that was scaled up to the whole country as a ‘Tusome’ Program. She consulted for the same project where she developed lower primary literacy and numeracy materials including videos, books and other teaching aids. She has also been a classroom teacher for a period of five years where giving quality instruction has been key.

Violet has a passion of ensuring that every child gets quality education in her country. She enjoys reading inspirational materials and working with children.

Violet Holds Bachelors of Education degree in Education from Kenyatta University and is pursuing a MED (ECS) at Kenyatta University.

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