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Swathi TamilselvanSchool Support Specialist (India)

Swathi is a School Support Specialist with the EduQuality program, based in India

Prior to joining the EduFinance team, Swathi was a fellow with Teach for India’s flagship teaching program in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. During her role, her projects included engaging a classroom of 50 primary students from a government school in holistic development for two years, leading the Chennai students Kondattam (CSK) team as an events manager, hosting 3000+ students from 33 government and low-income private schools. She also initiated a change project, aiming to bridge the gap in awareness in terms of career guidance among students. Swathi has also worked with multiple organizations with a similar vision as a volunteer and intern. 

Swathi received her bachelor’s degree in BSc(H) Electronics Science from Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi University, India. 


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