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Sneha BaliAsia Coordinator, Product Quality and Training (UK)

Sneha Bali is the Asia Coordinator – Product Quality and Training, with the EduQuality program at Opportunity International EduFinance.

Sneha connects product development and the implementation of the program in affordable private schools across Asia. Her role encompasses various functions, including contextualizing program content, supporting the onboarding and professional development of Education Specialists, and developing tools and processes to facilitate implementation in the field.

Sneha embarked on her journey in Education and International Development as a fellow with Teach for India, where she taught children from low-income communities in India. Following that, she worked with public and public-private partnership schools in New Delhi and the Pune district of Maharashtra in India. Focusing on schools as units of change, her work aimed to achieve excellent student learning outcomes and create schools as excellent learning spaces through teacher coaching, training, and co-leadership with School Leaders.

Sneha holds a Master's degree in Education and International Development from the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia.

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